Thursday 21 May is Ascension Day
Thursday 21 May is Ascension Day and a service has been recorded in St John's to mark the occasion. An Order of Service has been circulated to parishioners, but all are welcome to view it and worship with us. There is one hymn, for which we thank Michelle, Andrew and Ellen. Please click on this link from Thursday after 6pm.
'Thy Kingdom Come' is a global initiative for a time of prayer from Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost. Please visit the website for ideas about prayer - who and what to pray for! https://www.thykingdomcome. global/
'Thy Kingdom Come' is a global initiative for a time of prayer from Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost. Please visit the website for ideas about prayer - who and what to pray for! https://www.thykingdomcome.