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Rainbows & Brownies

Rainbows & Brownies
Rainbows & Brownies will start back on Tuesday 17th September 2024 in the Parish Hall from 6.30pm -7.30pm
This is for girls aged 4 to 7yrs (Rainbows)  7 to 10yrs (Brownies)

The Programme is called 'The Rainbow Jigsaw' and the four aspects to the programme are  Look, Learn, Laugh, Love.

Brownies have fun!  They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best.  Their meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities.  Everything a Brownie does is an adventure – it’s a world of excitement, new interests and friends.

The Rainbow Leader is Phyllis Hurl  
The Brownie Leader is Christine Brown