Holy Week - Meditations: The Characters & Easter Services
Palm Sunday
Sunday 20 March - 6pm - WOODS
Billy Graham - Lose to Gain
Services of the Word
Monday 21 March - 8pm - ST SWITHIN'S
The Secret Admirer
Tuesday 22 March - 8pm - WOODS
The Traitor
Wednesday 23 March - 8pm - GRACEFIELD
The Onlooker
Holy Communion
Thursday 24 March - 8pm - ST SWITHIN'S
The Accuser
The loose offerings at the above services will be given to Jonny Hull, cycling roundhte diocese for Bishops' Appeal.
Service for Good Friday
Friday 25 March - 8pm - WOODS and ST SWITHIN'S
The Executioner
Holy Communion - Easter Day
Sunday 27 March - 10.30am Gracefield & 12.00 noon Woods
Sunday 20 March - 6pm - WOODS
Billy Graham - Lose to Gain
Services of the Word
Monday 21 March - 8pm - ST SWITHIN'S
The Secret Admirer
Tuesday 22 March - 8pm - WOODS
The Traitor
Wednesday 23 March - 8pm - GRACEFIELD
The Onlooker
Holy Communion
Thursday 24 March - 8pm - ST SWITHIN'S
The Accuser
The loose offerings at the above services will be given to Jonny Hull, cycling roundhte diocese for Bishops' Appeal.
Service for Good Friday
Friday 25 March - 8pm - WOODS and ST SWITHIN'S
The Executioner
Holy Communion - Easter Day
Sunday 27 March - 10.30am Gracefield & 12.00 noon Woods