Harvest Thanksgiving Services 2013
11th October, Friday.8.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Alan Barr, rector of Sixmilecross.
13th October, Sunday.3.30pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Andrew Forster, rector of Drumglass.
18th October, Friday.8.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev Andy Heber, rector of Clogherny.
20th October, Sunday. 12.00 noon - Church family service. The Rector.
20th October, Sunday. 7.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Johnny McLaughlin, rector of Clonfeacle.
O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104, verse 26.
11th October, Friday.8.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Alan Barr, rector of Sixmilecross.
13th October, Sunday.3.30pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Andrew Forster, rector of Drumglass.
18th October, Friday.8.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev Andy Heber, rector of Clogherny.
20th October, Sunday. 12.00 noon - Church family service. The Rector.
20th October, Sunday. 7.00pm - Guest preacher, the Rev'd Johnny McLaughlin, rector of Clonfeacle.
O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104, verse 26.
All are welcome to attend.
At these services we will also be giving thanks for the harvest of our own gifts and talents.