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Harvest Thanksgiving Services

This year our traditional Harvest Thanksgiving Services will include celebrations for our 150th anniversary of St John’s Church of Ireland building, and the re-dedication of the building following our recent refurbishment programme.
Please join us for one, or two, or all three services –
Friday 20 October
8.00pm. Harvest Praise.
The Rev’d Dr Peter Thompson will be presiding at the organ which has been dismantled, cleaned and reassembled. Sperrin Kidz will be sharing some songs to help us with our praise and thanksgiving to God for the Harvest.
Saturday 21 October
10.00am – 12.00 noon
2.00pm – 4.00pm  
The Church will be open for viewing.
All are welcome to come and see our Harvest arrangements in the newly restored church.
Sunday 22 October
12.00 noon. Joint Church Family Service.
The Sunday School members will help us to appreciate the colours of Harvest, and again we shall have some traditional Harvest hymns.
7.00pm Re-dedication Service.
Archbishop Richard is kindly attending our worship and our own members will share some musical pieces. This service will be followed by a light supper in the Parish Hall.