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Easter General Vestry 2016

The 2016 Easter General Vestry meeting took place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday 6 April 2016.  Rev.Murray used an extract from the prophet Isaiah as her main theme -
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’
And I said,
‘Here am I; send me!’

She used the recent 'Path of Tears' and 'Joy of Life' project to illustrate the many events that have taken place in the life of Woods Parish over the past year.  She acknowledged the work carried out by so many on a 'volunteer' basis and reminded everyone that none of us are too old to be used by God and God never discards us even if we think we are past our sell by date using Abraham as an example.  What God simply needs is for us to respond to his call and he will fit us for whatever task he requires of us. 
Mr Andrew Bates was appointed as the Rector's Churchwarden and Mrs Doreeen Brooks was appointed the Peoples' Churchwarden - we wish both of them well as they take up their duties for the forthcoming year. See Gallery for photograph. For a full list of the new  Select Vestry please see "The Parish Team" section of the home page.