Dates for your Diary!
Tuesday evenings - 11, 18 & 25 Oct, 8 & 15 November - Jiving Classes
Jiving classed will be held in the Parish Hall on the above dates.
Friday 28 October - 'A pig, a wig, a swig and a jig'
It will be an evening of fine dining (a pig), a chance to step out in that new hat or hair piece (a wig) and to enjoy a tipple of orange juice (a swig), all in the ambience of some splendid music to dance to (a jig)! Tickets are limited and cost £15. They can be purchased from Margaret Booth, Hazel Derby, Barbara Booth, Susan Galway, Elizabeth McClure, Elizabeth Woodward or the Rector.
Wed 2, Thurs 3, Fri 4, Sat 5 and Mon 7 November - Bowling Tournament
Open Pairs bowling tournament will run on the above details. Entries to Rae Patterson 028 79469797 on or before Sat 29 Oct. Entry fees £5 per pair.
Jiving classed will be held in the Parish Hall on the above dates.
Friday 28 October - 'A pig, a wig, a swig and a jig'
It will be an evening of fine dining (a pig), a chance to step out in that new hat or hair piece (a wig) and to enjoy a tipple of orange juice (a swig), all in the ambience of some splendid music to dance to (a jig)! Tickets are limited and cost £15. They can be purchased from Margaret Booth, Hazel Derby, Barbara Booth, Susan Galway, Elizabeth McClure, Elizabeth Woodward or the Rector.
Wed 2, Thurs 3, Fri 4, Sat 5 and Mon 7 November - Bowling Tournament
Open Pairs bowling tournament will run on the above details. Entries to Rae Patterson 028 79469797 on or before Sat 29 Oct. Entry fees £5 per pair.